
Bienvenidos al rincón del inglés, un blog dedicado única y exclusivamente al interesante idioma del inglés.

Habrá ejercicios de varios temas, encontrarás vocabulario de todo tipo, grámatica para distintas situaciones y tiempos verbales de algunos verbos irregulares.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011


Type 0
Present Simple
Present Simple
Para leyes naturales
Type 1
Present Simple
- Future
- Modal verb
- Imperative
Se refieren al presente o al futuro, se usan cuando hay posibilidad de que la condición se cumpla.
Type 2
Past Simple
 -Would + Infinitivo

- Modal verb
El pasado en realidad es subjuntivo. Improbavle que la condición se cumpla, situaciones imaginarias.
Type 3
Past Perfect
-Would have + past participle

-Modal verb
Utilizado para expresar situaciones irreales – que nunca sucedieron – en el pasado y, en general, dentro de un contexto de crítica, queja o remordimiento.

   - Type 0: If it rain, i wet. En español sería: Si llueve, me mojo.

   - Type 1: They say that if you are sucessful, you will be happy. En español sería: Ellos dicen que si tu tienes éxito, serias feliz.

   - Type 2: If I changed my appearance, my life would be better. En español sería: Si yo cambio mi apariencia, mi vida sería mejor.

   - Type 3: I wouldn´t have had the operation if people hadn´t made fun of me. En español sería: Yo no me habría operado si la gente no se hubiese reido de mi.  


lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011



Subject To sing To drink To eat
I will sing will drink will eat
You will sing will drink will eat
He will sing will drink will eat
She will sing will drink will eat
It will sing will drink will eat
We will sing will drink will eat
You will sing will drink will eat
They will sing will drink will eat

Verb Affirmative Negative Interrogative
To sing I will sing with Lady Gaga
I´ll will sing with Lady Gaga
I will not sing with Lady Gaga
I won´t sing with Lady Gaga
Will I sing with Lady Gaga?
To drink You will drink Coca-cola
You´ll drink Coca-cola
You will not drink Coca-cola
You won´t drink Coca-cola
Will you drink Coca-cola?
To eat He will eat ham
He´ll eat ham
He will not eat ham
He won´t eat ham
Will he eat ham?

   - Expresar algo que va a ocurrir sin que media la voluntad.
   - Expresar algo que se decide hacer en el mismo momento en que se está hablando.
   - Referirse a intenciones sin que existan planes definitivos al respecto.
   - Un ejemplo sería: I will sing with Lady Gaga, que en español es: Yo cantaré con Lady Gaga

-Going to:

Subject To read To study To drive
I am going to read am going to study am going to drive
You are going to read are going to study are going to drive
He is going to read is going to study is going to drive
She is going to read is going to study is going to drive
It is going to read is going to study is going to drive
We are going to read are going to study are going to drive
You are going to read are going to study are going to drive
They are going to read are going to study are going to drive

Verb Affirmative Negative Interrogative
To read You are going to read a comic
You´re going to read a comic
You are not going to read a comic
You aren´t going to read a comic
Are you going to read a comic?

To study She is going to study maths
She´s going to study maths
She is not going to study maths
She isn´t going to study maths
Is she going to study maths?
To drive We are going to drive a bus
We´re going to drive a bus
We are not going to drive a bus
We aren´t going to drive a bus
Are we going to drive a car?

     - Para predecir acontecimientos futuros basándose en una evidencia presente. 
     - Para expresar la intención de realizar en el futuro alguna acción que ya esta decidida.
     - Un ejemplo sería: She´s going to study maths, que es español sería: Ella va a estudiar matemáticas. 
